acanth|acanths in English


acanthus, any of a number of Mediterranean plants having spiny leaves and white or purplish flowers

Use "acanth|acanths" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acanth|acanths" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acanth|acanths", or refer to the context using the word "acanth|acanths" in the English Dictionary.

1. Absorpt/o suck up ac- toward-ac pertaining to acanth/o spiny, thorny acetabul/o acetabulum (hip socket)-acious characterised by acne/o peak acou/o, acous/o hearing aquir/o obtain-acusia, -acusis, acust/o hearing, sense of hearing acr/o extremities acromi/o acromion, point of shoulder blade acu/o sharp, severe, sudden acuit/o, acut/o sharp

2. Absorpt To suck in Blephar/o Eyelid Cop/o Vagina Acanth A thorn Bol To cast, throw Concuss Shaken violenty Acetabul Vinegar, cup Brach/i Arm Condyle Knuckle Acid Acid Bronch/i/o bronchi Con/i Dust Acoust Hearing Bronchiol Bronchiole Conjunctiv To join together Acr/o Extremity, point Bucc Cheek Connect To bind together Act Acting Burs A pouch